Hometown: Unceded Wichita, Kiowa, Osage, Kickapoo, Quapaw land (Norman, OK)

Pronouns: she/her/hers

Birthday: July 2, Cancer Sun/Aquarius Moon/Aries Rising

Favorite fruit: blueberries

Training/education: 200 Hour YTT @ San Diego Miramar College, B.A. in English Literature, minor in Nonprofit Organizational Studies from the University of Oklahoma

Mentors: Animals, children, nature, music

Teaching style: Logical flow, plenty of restorative stretches, and a nice, long savasana. I emphasize autonomy—you're your own best teacher.

Fave pose: Warrior II, Dancing Shiva, Bird of Paradise

Least favorite pose: Chair, Eagle, Bow

Yoga tunes: Neo-classical with some super cool InDiE tUnEs thrown in

Interests out of Yoga: dismantling the patriarchy, dreaming of the end of capitalism, decolonization, guilt-free naps, consequence-free art, meaningful conversation, going to therapy, singing really loudly, hanging out with my dog, and laughing

Special talent: Creating and presenting personalized powerpoint presentations. This is not a joke--I wear a power suit and everything.

Favorite quote: “No person is your friend who demands your silence or denies your right to grow” - Alice Walker
“Cherish those who seek the truth, but beware of those who find it.” - Voltaire

Website/social media handles:
@victoriamuscles or @elizabethvgreene